Asthma and the Autumn –  and how essential oils can help ease the symptoms

Asthma and the Autumn – and how essential oils can help ease the symptoms



Asthma is something that many, MANY of us deal with – either personally (I was diagnosed with adult onset asthma last year) or via our children or loved ones.

It can seem to strike out nowhere, is incredibly frightening when it does so.  Thankfully, with a regime of annual visits to your asthma nurse and a bit of close attention noted as to what are and aren’t your ‘triggers’ it can be managed for most of the year.

Early spring and early Autumn are key times of the year when most Asthma sufferers will notice a sudden spike in their symptoms.  Spring symptoms are often linked to an increase in allergens in the air – pollens abound.  And the Autumn?  The change in air quality, the increase in dampness (and mould spores) and the transition between the warm and cold seasons that brings with it an increased likelihood of colds and sneezes are likely linked with the increased symptoms that Asthmatics face.

How to use essential oils to help support your lungs...

My recommended regime would include vaporising oils in a burner, inhaling oils via steam, and inhaling oils via a pulse point roll on that can be used anytime anywhere.  At this time of the year I have an oil burner on in my work space and my home space, and I use our clear vitality pulse point roll-on as it contains Eucalyptus, Ravensara and Tea Tree which help boost immunity and open the air ways.

I also try and ‘treat’ my lungs every other day with a more intense steam inhalation – adding 4-6 drops of essential oil to a bowl of just boiled water and placing a towel over my head to get a deep lung filling breath of oil infused steam.

Oil burners are probably one of the best ways that an asthmatic can get a good ‘fix’ of essential oil support during the day, and combing this with a steam inhalation is a great way to support this vital organ

What kind of essential oils should an asthmatic use

I’d recommend oils that are anti-inflammatory, that open the airways and that are decongestants.  You’re also looking to use something a bit gentle – knocking your lungs out with a steam inhalation of eucalyptus globulus is not going to do the lungs any favours

My favourite oil burner blend for daytime use is:

  • 2 drops Eucalyptus Lemon – fantastic for soothing and opening the lungs
  • 1 drop Bay Laurel – lung strengthening but don’t use this oil if you are pregnant
  • 1 drop Helichyrsum – one of the best anti-inflammatories around and wonderfully soothing and gentle.

For a less invigorating evening oil burner blend I’d recommend:

  • 1 drop Helicrysum
  • 1 drop Niaouli – a gentle oil that gives you a feeling of expansion and of having room to breathe
  • 2 drops Cedarwood, preferably Himalayan - a strengthening and grounding oil that is also expansive in it's actions

Steam inhalation are also really helpful as part of your Asthma support routine, although as already mentioned I'd recommend avoiding particularly harsh / potent ‘breathing’ oils like Eucalyptus Globulus and going for more gentle alternatives.

Blend for steam inhalation:

  • Eucalyptus Lemon (2 drops),
  • Helichrysum (1 drop)
  • Naouli (1 drop)

Add the oils to a bowl of water, drape your head over the bowl with a towel and then inhale for a few minutes.

And finally, if you occasionally inwardly groan because despite your best intentions you are still back using your brown steroid inhaler twice daily, please don’t beat yourself up about it.  The inhalers are there to help you, just as the oils can also help you.  Keep looking after yourself, staying sensible and the symptoms will likely pass.  Good luck, and much love from Bloom xx


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