BACK TO SCHOOL PART I - Essential oils for for concentration, focus and fatigue

BACK TO SCHOOL PART I - Essential oils for for concentration, focus and fatigue

Ever wondered how essential oils can help your children (and you) during periods of tiredness and fatigue?  

Whether it's for boosting their concentration or energy levels, or for soothing anxiety and overwhelm, there is a blend and an oil out there that has been demonstrated - in scientific studies no less! - to help with their needs and to help them build and grow into independent young adults.

This week is the first of two blog posts addressing the concerns and difficulties that your brood may face when they get back to the classroom or head off to university.

And this week it is all about concentration, focus and fatigue... which may also be an issue for you!

After the long and lazy summer holidays, the act of setting an alarm and getting up and back into a routine is a challenge, for adults and kids alike.  Combined with that, they have to be on the ball, focused and able to concentrate.  No wonder in the first month of being back at school you can end up with mornings full of bleary eyes, angry outbursts, tears and overwhelmed meltdowns.

I'm a huge advocate for using essential oils to help with some of these tiredness/concentration challenges.

In a recent wide reaching analysis of Pub Med scientific studies, it was concluded that "At the uppermost levels, cognitive functions and behaviors were fully affected by essential oils.  A snapshot summary of a sample of the oils studied concluded that Rosemary essential oil improved cognition using a computerized cognitive task. Spearmint and peppermint essential oils modulated performance during a demanding cognitive task and reduced mental fatigue during a prolonged cognitive task. Petitgrain essential oil could improve performance in the workplace when added to an aroma diffuser in the work room"*

And there are many more studies looking at other invigorating essential oils that have drawn similar positive conclusions.  Plus, alongside all the 'actual science' I've seen the anecdotal evidence in real life both on myself, with my own children and with people and clients that I know.  There's no getting away from it - certain essential oils really DO help with tiredness and mental concentration.

So. How do you use essential oils to boost cognitive performance?

The simplest way is via inhalation - a direct hit from the olfactory bulb into the brain.  It's easy and relatively inexpensive to invest in a diffuser and at Bloom we love using the mini desk ones that can be found here, as they are USB charged, water free and don't make a mess or take up space..  These are great to use for homework/study at home.

For on-the-go use of essential oils, you can add a few drops of oil to a tissue that is kept up a sleeve and inhaled on during the day while at school or at work.

Listed below is a snapshot of some of the key oils that you can use individually.  However it's always better to have a full spectrum blend so we have created our Focus Essential Oil which is available here.  Or if you are a menopausal mum and in need of clearing the brain fog, you can buy a bottle of our excellent Brain Fog Blend here. 

  1. Peppermint Oil: Known for its invigorating and refreshing scent, peppermint oil can help to sharpen your mind and boost your energy levels, making it easier to concentrate on tasks.
  2. Rosemary Oil: This essential oil is often used to improve memory and cognitive function. Its stimulating properties can help increase alertness and reduce mental fatigue (not to be used during pregnancy)
  3. Lemon Oil: With its bright and uplifting aroma, lemon oil can enhance your mood and promote a clear mind, aiding in better concentration and productivity.
  4. Eucalyptus Oil: This oil can help uncloud foggy thoughts and improve focus by promoting better respiratory function, which in turn ensures your brain gets plenty of oxygen.
  5. Petigrain Oil: Know to soothe agitation, but also known as an oil that can sharpen and aid concentration and increase efficiency and productivity in the workplace
  6. Basil: With a sharp and pungent aroma, this herbal oil is known for its stimulating ability to clear the mind, provide clarity and focus concentration (not to be used during pregnancy)

It would be great to hear your thoughts on any of the above oils - have you have used them for helping you or your loved ones with concentration and fatigue?  Did they help?

As always, do reach out if you have any questions,

Love as always,

Marie x






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