It's the time of year when many of us who have teens that are going through the exams feels a heightened level of stress and anxiety in the home.
There are likely more rows. More snapped words, more snappy moods. More tears, more sighs and more eye rolls. More wobbles and more sleepless nights.
For teens facing exams this year, it's particularly hard. In the last couple of years they have had to face so much, thanks to the pandemic. But the interuption in their schooling doesn't mean that exams can stop and some of them, from what I hear anecdotally from friends, are really struggling. My own middle daughter is about to sit exams and I can see how much it is impacting on her so I thought it would be a great idea to share some of the blends and oils that can help with STUDY/TIREDNESS/FOCUS and some of the oils that can help with WORRY/ANXIETY/STRESS
When they are studying THE best oil to have in an aroma burner while they learn is ROSEMARY.
Hands down the best oil for sharpening the mind and increasing focus and learning. It's been analysed and tested and has been shown to improve concentration and help the brain keep ticking along for longer.
If you don't have a diffuser or burner, then simply add a few drops to a tissue and tell your teen to inhale everytime they are feeling a bit foggy.
Please note that if your teen has epilepsy or any high blood pressure related heart conditions, then this is an oil to avoid - always check with a qualified aromatherapist before using essential oils if you do have a serious health condition. These little gifts from nature can be potent!
If you dont' have ROSEMARY on your shelf, but you do have LEMONGRASS, LEMON, EUCALYPTUS, PEPPERMINT then by all means substitute them instead.
My fresh and zesty blend for concentration:
Lemon (20 drops), Rosemary (6 drops), Peppermint (2 drops)
This can be diluted in a base oil at a ratio of 2% (approx 40 drops of the blend per 100ml of base oil) and applied to the pulse points and temples, or used undiluted as an inhalation
There are a lot of essential oils available to us that can help with feelings of stress and overwhelm. A great all-rounder for exam related stress and anxiety is BERGAMOT. It helps with the type of anxiety that is associated with apprehension - which pretty sums up exam anxiety right? Plus it has the added bonus of not being too soothing/sleepy. When you have exams on the horizon you want to feel calm but not zonked.
Another couple of fantastic oils that falls into this camp (can soothe without zonking) are NEROLI, PATCHOULI and GERANIUM.
I'd use all of these oils either in an oil burner, or in a blend that can be directly applied to pulse points on wrists and inhaled as required, or to a tissue and inhaled as required. You can't apply oils neat to skin so don't forget to dilute using a base oil. Patchouli might not be the favourite as it's pretty earthy and heavy - my experience with teens is that younger, fresher notes like BERGAMOT go down really well.
My soothing blend for apprehensive stress:
Bergamot (25 drops), Geranium (10 drops), Patchouli (5 drops)
This can be diluted in a base oil at a ratio of 2% (approx 40 drops of the blend per 100ml of base oil) and applied to the pulse points and temples, or used undiluted as an inhalation
I hope some of this info helps, as always drop me a line at if you need any further infor or have any questions,
Love as always,
Marie x